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Titles, Closings, & More
Real Estate FAQs

Whether you’re buying or selling a home, you’re sure to have questions about the process. Fortunately, the Title One team is here to help. We’ve been a trusted resource in the real estate industry for over 30 years. Below, you can find some commonly asked questions about titles, closing, and other aspects of the home-buying process.

Answering Metro Detroit’s Title Questions

Title insurance is necessary to protect the most important investment you’ll ever make–your home. Since land is permanent and can have many owners over time, others may have acquired various rights in the land, such as utility rights, before you come into possession of it. These previous owners’ title insurance coverage does not cover you as a buyer.

Liens, judgments, and unpaid taxes for which prior owners were responsible may be disclosed after you purchase the property—causing you aggravation and costing you money. In order to transfer a clean title to a parcel of land, it is first necessary to determine whether any rights are outstanding. Title insurance protects you throughout this process.

A title search can show a number of title defects and liens as well as other encumbrances and restrictions. Among these are:

  • Unpaid taxes
  • Unsatisfied mortgages
  • Judgments against the seller
  • Restrictions limiting the use of the land

To learn more about title searches and the potential impact of their findings, contact us today.

Financial Loss

  • You could be responsible for paying any unpaid liens, taxes, fines, or you could lose your home to an entity that’s come to collect.

Legal Disputes

  • You could have to defend yourself in court over ownership disputes.

Difficulty Selling or Refinancing

  • Unresolved title issues could make it difficult to sell or refinance. Buyers or financial institutions may be cautious about properties with questionable titles.

Title insurance protects you from these risks for as long as you own the property.

The cost of title insurance is directly related to the value of the property. The higher the value, the more coverage is needed. The premium is small compared to the total purchase price, usually one percent or less of the value of the property. The premium is paid only once and remains valid for as long as the property is owned by the insured.

The title insurance coverage never needs to be renewed. It is valid for as long as you have an interest in the property.

Any individual, corporation, or organization involved in the transfer of title or deed for real estate property will need the services of a title insurance company, like Title One. These services are utilized by:

  • Attorneys
  • Lending institutions
  • Real estate professionals
  • Commercial and industrial builders
  • Land developers
  • Individual home buyers

If you are in need of title insurance services in the Metro Detroit area, contact us today.

Contact Us Today

If you have any other questions regarding the home-buying process in Metro Detroit, the Title One team would be happy to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can fit into your next real estate transaction. Complete the form below, and we’ll get back to you shortly to further discuss how we can meet your closing, title, and other real estate needs.

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